Solve Wine “err:secur32:SECUR32_initSchannelSP TLS Library Not Found” on Linux 64bit

September 21, 2014 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Wine Troubleshooting Missing TLS Library on Linux 64-bit

The Troubleshooting Show How to Solve the Wine Error “err:secur32:SECUR32_initSchannelSP TLS library not found” on Linux 64-bit.

Wine (originally an acronym for “Wine Is Not an Emulator”) is a Compatibility Layer capable of Running Windows Apps on several POSIX-compliant OSes systems, such as Linux, Mac OSX, & BSD.

Instead, of Simulating internal Windows Logic like a Virtual Machine or Emulator, Wine translates Windows API calls into POSIX calls On-the-Fly, eliminating the Performance and Memory Penalties of other Methods and allowing you to Cleanly Integrate Windows Apps into your Desktop.

Solve Wine

Solve Wine err:secur32:SECUR32_initSchannelSP TLS library not found

Wine TLS Library Troubleshooting

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