$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Howto Install A Complete QT4 Environment O Debian 6 Linux Kde4 Desktop

July 6, 2012 | By Duchateaux.

This Article shows youHow2 Install a Complete QT 4 Environment on Debian 6 Linux Kde 4 Desktop.

Here Below you will Find the Complete List of Commands to be Executed on Shell.

At the Article Bottom there is a Link to Getting-Started with QT4 Development.

Linux Penguin QT

Here are the Command List to Execute to Install a Complete QT4 Environment on Debian:

  1. Open a Terminal Session:

    Applications >> System >> Terminal.

    Debian 6 Kde4 Open Root Terminal

  2. After here is the long Command to Install a Complete QT4 environment on Debian:

    apt-get install libqt4-assistant libqt4-core 
    libqt4-dbg libqt4-dbus libqt4-designer libqt4-dev
    libqt4-gui libqt4-help libqt4-network libqt4-opengl
    libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script
    libqt4-sql libqt4-sql-ibase libqt4-sql-mysql libqt4-sql-odbc
    libqt4-sql-psql libqt4-sql-sqlite libqt4-sql-sqlite2
    libqt4-svg libqt4-test libqt4-webkit libqt4-webkit-dbg
    libqt4-xml libqt4-xmlpatterns libqt4-xmlpatterns-dbg
    libqtcore4 libqtgui4 qt4-demos qt4-designer qt4-dev-tools
    qt4-doc qt4-doc-html qt4-qtconfig qtcreator

The Extra Indications are Contained in this other Guide:

Good Luck! ;)