How to Install MondoDB Django Support Mongodb-engine on Mageia Linux

January 9, 2013 | By Duchateaux.

The Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Install MongoDB Support mongodb-engine for Django Python Framework on Mageia Linux Desktop.

Finally, the post’s Content is Expressly Reduced to Give Focus to the Essentials Instructions and Commands.

Mageia MongoDB
  1. Open a Terminal Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

  2. Download djangotoolbox Tarball:

    djangotoolbox tar.gz
  3. Installing djangotoobox.

    pip install ~/Downloads/django-nonrel-djangotoolbox*.tar.gz

    How to Install Python Easy_install & Pip on Mageia:

    Mageia Easy_install Pip Setup
  4. Download django-nonrel Tarball:

    django-norel tar.gz
  5. Installing django-nonrel.

    pip install ~/Downloads/django-nonrel-django-nonrel*.tar.gz

  6. Installing mongodb-engine.

    pip install git+

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