Install Skype on Slackware Linux
The Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Get Installed the Latest Skype for Linux Slackware 14 Xfce i486 Desktop.
To Make the whole Process Easier to Grasp and Visualize the Post Includes the Basic Screenshots of the Steps Involved.
The Contents and Details are Expressly Essentials to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands.

Download Latest Skype Release for Linux:
Skype for Linux Dynamic tar.bz2Open a Terminal Window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp
Relocate Skype Folder.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
mv /tmp/skype* /opt/skype
Create a Symlink:
ln -s /opt/skype/skype /usr/local/bin/skype
Then to Launch from Terminal:
Create a Desktop Launcher for Easy-Starting:
Xfce Desktop How-launcher

How to Install Evernote for Slackware: