How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan OS X

How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan OS X

Guide, How-to, Install, install graph database Mac OS X, install neo4j ubuntu, Mac 10.11 El Capitan, Mac Os X,
neo4j, neo4j linux, neo4j Mac OS X, Tutorial

Neo4J QuickStart for Mac El Capitan 10.11 OS X

Hello Mac User! This is Tutorial Shows You Step-by-step How-to Install and Getting-Started with the Neo4J Database Community Edition Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan Desktop.

The Neo4J Database is Entirely Based on Java and the Installation Mac OS X Require the Oracle Java JDK 7+.

Neo4J Graph Database can be considered as Special purpose NoSQL database Optimized for Relation-heavy Data.

The one advantage that Neo4J Database have is easy representation, retrieval and manipulation of relationships between the entities in the system.

Here is Described a System-Wide Installation, for a Local One Simply Change the Paths Consequently…

Install Neo4J for Mac 10.11 El Capitan OS X - Featured
  1. Download Latest Neo4J Community Edition for Mac:

    Get Neo4J for Mac .dmg

  2. How-to Install Required Oracle JDK on Mac:

    Installing Oracle JDK for Mac
  3. Double-Click on the Dmg Archive

  4. Drag & Drop App

    How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan - Install App
  5. Start Neo4J Server

    How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan - Start Server
  6. Browse Location
    It’s enough to Click on Link…

    How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan - Browse Location
  7. Connect as neo4j User
    Pass: neo4j

    How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan - Connect as neo4j User
  8. Reset neo4j Pass

    How-to Install Neo4J Database on Mac 10.11 El Capitan - Reset Pass
  9. Getting-Started with Neo4J Database on Mac OS X:

    Neo4J Quick-Start Guide
  10. Install Neo4J for Mac 10.11 El Capitan OS X - Neo4J on Browser