How to Install Downloaded Package on Arch Gnu/Linux

August 30, 2020 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Installing Arch Package Offline

    Now to Install Ready Make Package
    To setup one or more Tarball use:

    sudo pacman -U ./*.t*

    And this is valid for all Tarballs like tgz, tar.xz, or now tar.zst.

  2. 3. Installing AUR Snapshot

    Alternatively to Install AUR Snapshot PKGBUILD
    First, Extract it like:

    tar xvzf ~/Downloads/[MYPKG].tar.gz -C /tmp/

    Again Build and Install the Packages with:

    cd /tmp/[MYPKG]

    For an Offline Setup play:

    makepkg -i

    Instead, when Online use:

    makepkg -si

    Authenticate with the User Admin Pass when prompted.


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