Linux Ubuntu How to Automatically Mount A Fat32 Disk Partition StartUp Easy Guide

July 29, 2014 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Ubuntu Mount Fat32 Partition Boot

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Mount a Fat32 Disk Partition a Ubuntu Linux System Boot/Start-Up.

The fstab file typically lists all available disks and disk partitions, and indicates how they are to be initialized or otherwise integrated into the overall system’s file system.

Ubuntu Mount Fat32 Partition Boot - Featured
  1. Open Terminal Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).


    Ubuntu Mount Fat32 Partition Boot- Open Terminal
  2. Find the Partition UID.

    ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid

    Copy the UID Value Associated to the /dev/sdXY Device.

  3. Make the Target Directory.

    sudo su -c "mkdir /media/[myDisk]"
  4. Edit the fstab File.

    sudo su -c "nano /etc/fstab"


    UUID=[1234-5678] /media/[myDisk] vfat defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1

    Ctrl+Shift+v to Paste the UID Value
    Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor :)

  5. Test if the Setup is Working.

    umount /media/[myDisk]

    The last potentially to Unmount the Partition…

    sudo mount -a
    ls /media/[myDisk]

    This should Show up all the Partition Content!

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