How to Set PATH and Environment Variables on OpenBSD Unix

November 16, 2014 | By Zen BSD.

Path Setup for OpenBSD

The Unix BSD Tutorial shows you Simply How to Update/Set the Path and the Environmnent Variables on OpenBSD Unix Server/Desktop.

The OpenBSD Project produces a FREE, multi-platform BSD-based UNIX-like operating system.
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As an example of the effect that the OpenBSD Way has, the popular OpenSSH software comes from OpenBSD.

Setting Path on OpenBSD - Featured

    • To Set up the User/System Path:

      vi $HOME/.profile

      (Hit ‘i’ to start Editing on Vi Editor)

      PATH=$PATH:/my/new/target/nexport PATH

      (Hit ‘Esc’ to end Editing and ‘:wq’ to Save &exit; :)
      Load New Path:

      . $HOME/.profile

      Check the New PATH with:

      echo $PATH
    • How Install & Run Xfce Desktop for OpenBSD 5.x

      OpenBSD Xfce Desktop Installation
    • So to Set an Env Variable do:

      vi $HOME/.profile

      Appending for Example:

      export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk-1.7.0/
      . $HOME/.profile

      And then Test the New Env Var:

      echo $JAVA_HOME

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