How to Install GitEye Git Client on Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca LTS Easy Guide

March 26, 2015 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

GitEye Quick Start for Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca LTS

The Linux Mint Tutorial shows you How to Install Free Git Client GitEye on Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca LTS i386/amd64 GNU+Linux Desktop.

CollabNet GitEye is an Intuitive Graphical Git client with Integration to your favorite Planning, Tracking, Code Reviewing, and Build Tools.

Installing GitEye for Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca LTS Linux - Featured
  1. Download CollabNet GitEye Client for Linux

    GitEye for GNU/Linux
  2. Double-Click and Extract into /tmp/GitEye.

    Installing GitEye for Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca - GitEye Extraction

  3. Open a Command Line Terminal Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    GitEye Installation on Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca - Open Terminal

    In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.

  4. Relocating GitEye
    Set the SuperUser as Owner:

    sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/GitEye

    Then Switch Contents:

    sudo mv /tmp/GitEye /opt/GitEye

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo

  5. Launching GitEye from Shell
    Create a Symlink for Easy starting with:

    sudo ln -s /opt/GitEye/GitEye /usr/local/bin/GitEye

    Then to Launch it:

  6. How to Create a GitEye Desktop Menu App Launcher

    Mint Desktop How-Launcher

Installing GitEye for Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca LTS Linux - UI

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