-Prerequisites .
Become the SuperUser:
sudo su
Install cmake (Need MacPorts):
port install cmake
Set the Path to bison:
PATH=$PATH:$(dirname $(which bison))
-Pre-installation .
If do Not already Exists make:
mkdir ~/src
Access Target Path:
cd ~/src
Check that User and Group mysql already Exists:
dscl . -read /Users/mysql
dscl . -read /Groups/mysql
If didn't get any Output follow the Guide on included in the File INSTALL-SOURCE to Create mysql User and Group.
Download mysql Source Code:
If link not working go to http://dev.mysql.com/downloads Select "Community Server" >> "Source Code" >> "Generic Linux, Compressed TAR Archive" Move the Downloaded Archive to:
mv ~/src
Untar mysql Archive:
tar xvzf mysql-5.5.20.tar.gz
Set the Right Ownerships:
chown -R mysql .
chgrp -R mysql .
Access MySQL Dir:
cd mysql
-Installation .
Configuring mysql Source:
Make mysql:
Install mysql: Make:
make install
If All Processes Arrive to 100% without Errors you Got a New Working MySQl! -Article-installation: Create the Starting MySQL db: scripts/mysql_install_db –user=mysql Start the MySQL Server: ./bin/mysqld_safe & Setup MySQL: ./bin/mysql_secure_installation.
-Article-installation .
Create the Starting MySQL db:
scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql
Start the MySQL Server:
./bin/mysqld_safe &
Setup MySQL: