$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Linux Gnome How to Create New Application Launcher on Applications Main Menu

May 27, 2012 | By Duchateaux.

Create a GNOME 2 Menu App Launcher

This Article shows you Step-by-Step How to Create a New Application Launcher inside to the Main Menu of the Top GNOME Panel.

The Practical Example Here Illustrated is About Adding the Firefox Entry inside to the Internet Section a Debian Linux.

The Technique is Useful for Adding Any New Software on a GNOME Linux Installation.

  1. Check or Install 4 the “alacarte” Package

    which alacarte

    If Not Present then Install It with.

    • Red Hat, Fedora, CentOS, Oracle linux…

      sudo yum install alacarte

    • Unbuntu, Debian…

      sudo apt-get install alacarte

  2. Start the Alacarte Tool

    • From Terminal


    • From Desktop

      Applications >> System Tools >> Preferences >> Main Menu.


      Applications >> Accessories >> Main Menu.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 1

  3. To Left Select the App Category

    Click on New Item.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 2

  4. Fill In Name and Path to Binary under Command

    Possibly you Can Browse the File System to Find the Executable in Question.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 3

  5. Next Click to the Left On the Launcher Icon.

    Browse the Path to your Application Name .png Icon file.

    Under this Image you Find Link to Tutorial for Locating Images and Icons.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 4

    Here Below you Find a Link to Article with Tutorial on Locating Files Under Linux.

    How to Easy Find/Search Files/Directories/Images on Linux.

    Linux How to Use the LocateCommand
  6. Click on OK.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 5

  7. Finally, the New Launcher on the Menu.

    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 6
    Gnome Create Applications Main Menu Entry 7

Howto Install Firefox Nightly on Linux:

Firefox Nightly on Linux Distros
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