Fedora Eclipse Android Development NDK Getting-Started
The Tutorial shows you How to Quick Start with Android Development Kit NDK on Eclipse for Fedora.
On the Eclipse Android NDK Tutorial Bottom Link to Getting-Started with Hello-World Android NDK Development on Eclipse.
The Android NDK is a Toolset that allows you to Implement parts of your App using Native-Code Languages such as C and C++.
The Contents and Details are Expressly Minimal to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands ;)
![Linux Fedora Eclipse Android Development NDK Getting-Started - Featured](https://tutorialforlinux.com/wp-content/media/dg139/intro/gnomePenguinAndroidBlue.jpg)
How to Install Android NDK on Fedora
Set Eclipse Android Plugins Source.
Add Software Source:
Set Up:
Install Eclipse Android NDK Plugin.
Select the NDK Checkbox and Follow..
Eclipse > Window > Prefereces.
Set Up Android NDK Path.
Set or Browse for the NDK Installation Location
Getting-Started with Android NDK Code Development