GNU/Linux openSUSE Installing Firefox ESR – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Guide shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Firefox ESR Web Browser in openSUSE GNU/Linux Desktop.
Firefox is a Free and Open-Source Web Browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.
It uses the Gecko rendering Engine to display Web Pages, which implements current and anticipated Web Standards.
Moreover, Mozilla Firefox Extended Support Release for openSUSE is Intended for Universities and other Schools, Institutions and Businesses.
And the Firefox ESR Coexists Perfectly with any others Version, this meaning that it’s sharing the Default Environment.
After Installation the Firefox ESR will be plugged into the ESR Channel to be Automatically Updated when Launched.
Inside you find also detailed instructions about How to Create a Launcher for Firefox ESR Browser on openSUSE Linux Desktops.
Especially relevant: this a System-Wide Setup, for a Local one simply Extract and Run it from inside the Home Directory.

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