Solve: MySQL root Access Denied Using Password Yes/No
The Post Presents a Quick Troubleshooting for MySQL Unable to Login as the Root User on Linux/Unix.
Included Link with the Recommended MySQL Database Secure Installation.

Check if MySQL Installer has Set a Random Password.
sudo cat /root/.mysql_secret
Or in Installations by Rpm Installer:
sudo grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
Possibly Check also in your User Home…
If Found then Try this Password to Login!
Else Reset the MysQL root Pass.
Check if MySQL is Already Started.
Find mysqld PID
ps ax | grep mysqld
Log-In as Super-User with:
sudo su
su -
If MySQL is Started then Kill mysqld with:
pkill mysqld
kill -9 [PID]
In Ubuntu/Debian-based also:
service mysql stop
Start MySQL Server in Recovery Mode.
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
If No mysqld_safe because MySQL 5.7.6+ & systemd
Then you Can Safely Reset MySQL root Pass.
mysql -u root
use mysql;
UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD("[newPass]") WHERE User="root";
Then you should be able to Login as root into MySQL!
Recommended MySQL Server Database Secure SetUp