Getting-Started with Client for Ubuntu
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install a Synchronization/Uploading “Naive” Client on Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin LTS i386/amd64 Linux. adhere to the highest industry standards for Security at every level of the Box experience. you can share, manage and access your content with confidence.
- Single Sign-on
- Account Settings and Global Controls
- Comprehensive Reporting and Audit Trails
- Sophisticated Data Encryption
- Comprehensive Network Protection
- Data Center Security and Availability
- Faster Uploads With Box Accelerator
- Your Privacy is Paramount
To the Client Installation Guide for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS there is also Link to Getting Installed DropBox on Ubuntu Linux.
Open Terminal Window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).Ctrl+Alt+T
In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
Install Required Package:
sudo su -c "apt-get install davfs2"
Download Box Sync Linux Client
Make the Box Sync Directory:
mkdir $HOME/Box
Extract Box .zip Archive:
unzip -d $HOME/ $HOME/Downloads/box*.zip
But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
Installing Sync Client:
cd $HOME/box-linux-sync-master/bin
Then amend the Script with the nano Editor:
nano ./box-sync
And Change the First line in:
Last, Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.
And then run the Installation Script:sudo python2 ./ install
Update Credentials
echo " [MYEMAIL] [MYPASSWORD]" > /home/[MYUSERNAME]/.davfs/secrets
Update Url
sudo sh -c 'echo " /home/[MYUSERNAME]/Box davfs _netdev,rw,user 0 0" >> /etc/fstab'
To Change the Box Sync Directory Edit Config File
nano $HOME/.noiselabs/box/box-sync.cfg
To Start Syncronization of Box Directory with Cloud:
./box-sync start
This need to be Done Before Starting to Put New Stuff into Box Dir…
To Uploading New Stuff into Cloud:
sudo cp /[path/2]/FILE1 $HOME/Box/
All the Stuff you put on the Box Dir is Automatically Uploaded into the Account.
To Stop Synchronization of Box Directory with Cloud:
./box-sync stop
How to Install DropBox for Ubuntu