Xubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS Try Fixing Disk Errors
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Repair/Recover/Fix Disk from Errors Even if No more Bootable on Xubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr LTS i386/amd64 Linux.
And this Procedure should Easily Fix Errors and Recover your Drive only in Case it’s Not Corrupted.

Boot System with Ubuntu or other Linux Live Media.
How to Create a Live Ubuntu Media
Open a Command Line Terminal Window.
Find the Volume to Fix
(LVM or Ordinary Partition)
So first install Lvm2 Tool:sudo apt-get install lvm2
So now Execute a Disk Scan to Find out existing Partitions:
In the Output you should be able to Recognize your Device…
Fixing the Partition
If it’s mounted then first Unmount the Partition with:sudo umount /dev/[my-vol]
Where [my-vol] the Device identifier.
Finally, Check the File System:sudo /sbin/e2fsck -fy /dev/[my-vol]
Then if Errors are found Repeat again the process until the Disk is Fixed with No more Issue detected.
If the Disk is Not Corrupted then the Process will Easily Restore the Volume.Reboot into Xubuntu Linux.