$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

How to Install Google-Chrome for SuperX Gnu/Linux

April 2, 2015 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Install Chrome for SuperX 32/64-bit Linux

The Tutorial shows you the Easy-Way for Installing the Google-Chrome Web Browser on SuperX i386/Amd64 KDE Desktop.

At the Same Time I’m also Showing here the Easiest Way of Installing the New Downloaded .deb Packages on Linux SuperX.

On the Install Chrome SuperX Bottom you Find Links to Install the Firefox Nightly Browser and Evernote on SuperX.

Install Chrome SuperX - Featured
  1. Download Google-Chrome for Ubuntu:

    Chrome .deb 64-bit Linux
  2. Open a File Manager Window
    Cmd/Win & Search ‘Computer’

    SuperX Google-Chrome Installation -  Open File Manager
  3. Find and Double-Click on the .deb Chrome Package.

    The KDE Package Manager will Provide to Install the Package with All his Dependencies… :)

    Installing Chrome SuperX by Package Manager 1
    Installing Chrome SuperX by Package Manager 2
  4. How to Install Evernote Linux Clone on SuperX:
    Installing Evernote on Linux SuperX Distro.

    So Now Thanks to Google Inc. you Should Finally, Fully Enjoy a Google-Chrome Installation Browser Experience on SuperX Linux ;)

    How to Install Firefox Nightly in Linux SuperX:
    The Link Contains Instructions about How Installing Firefox Nightly on Linux SuperX.