Creating AVD on Android Studio IDE for Linux
The Android Tutorial for Linux Show Step-by-Step How to Create an Android Virtual Device Emulator on Android Studio IDE 1.5 for GNU/Linux Systems.
Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA.
On top of the capabilities you expect from IntelliJ, Android Studio offers:
- Flexible Gradle-based build system
- Build variants and multiple apk file generation
- Code templates to help you build common app features
- Rich layout editor with support for drag and drop theme editing
- Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems
- ProGuard and app-signing capabilities
- Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud Messaging and App Engine
Run the Android Virtual Device Manager.
Click on the Create Virtual Device Button on Bottom Left of UI
Select the Android Device Hardware
First, choose between: TV, Wear, Tablet or Phone -
Then Select the maximum Android Device System Image.
Verify the Configuration before Creation
Click on Finish to Create the New Android Virtual Device