$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

Ubuntu How to Set-Change Ownership on Files and Directories By Command-Line

March 25, 2017 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Ubuntu Setting Ownerships for File/Directory

Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Setup or Change the Ownership over Files and Directories on Ubuntu GNU/Linux.

The Ownership Decide How is the Owner of Files and Directories on the Ubuntu Linux File System.

To Set the Ownership Over Files and Directories is the First, Step in Setting Up Permissions and so Establish a Control and Security over the System.

To Follow the Tutorial you will Need to have a Little Practice to Work on the Ubuntu Linux Console Terminal Command Line.

Setting Ownership on Ubuntu File System - Featured
  1. Open Terminal Console Window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    How to Set/Change Ownership on Ubuntu Files/Directories - Featured
  2. How to Quick Start with Command Line on Ubuntu

    Console Quick Start Guide
  3. Who Can Set/Change the Ownership?.

    Only the Administrators or a Super-User Can Change a File/Directory Ownership!

  4. How to Set/Change the Ownership?.

    • To Set/Change Ownership Over a Single File/Directory:

      sudo su -c "chown [myUser]:[myGroup] [myEntity]"

      Where [myUser] is your’s user Name & [myGroup] is your’s user Primary Group.

      How to Look Up Username & Group on Terminal

      Find Username & Group

      For Instance:

      mkdir -p $HOME/hello/world

      Now to Give the ‘world’ Directory to the ‘root’ User do:

      sudo su -c "chown root:root $HOME/hello/world"

      Checking Ownership:

      ls -l $HOME/hello
    • To Set/Change Permissions Recursively Over a Directory and it’s Content (Subdirectories and Files):

      sudo su -c "chown -R [myUser]:[myGroup] [myEntity]"

      For Instance:

      sudo su -c "touch $HOME/hello/world/happy"

      Checking Ownership:

      ls -l $HOME/hello && ls -l $HOME/hello/world

      Now to Get Back the ‘world’ Directory with the ‘happy’ File:)

      sudo su -c "chown -R [myUser]:[myGroup] $HOME/hello/world"

      Check again Ownership like Above…

  5. How to Set Permissions on Ubuntu File System

    Ubuntu Permissions Quick Start