Installing JBoss 7.x on Linux Mint 18.x
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Started with Red Hat JBoss 7.x Application Server on Linux Mint 18.x LTS GNU/Linux Desktop/Server.
And Red Hat JBoss AS for Linux Mint 18.x is a Fully Compliant Java EE App Server with Best Reliability, Security, and Stability.
Moreover, Make the Entire Install JBoss on Linux Mint 18.x Easy to Understand and Visualize the Post Includes the Basic Screenshots of All GUI Steps involved.

1. Launching Terminal
Open a Terminal window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)2. Downloading JBoss
Download Latest JBoss Application Server
3. Extracting JBoss Archive
Then Extract JBoss tar.gz into /tmp Directory
If it does Not Open automatically then Double-Click on File Manager:
Or from Command Line:tar xvzf ~/Downloads/jboss-as*.tar.gz -C ~
4. Relocating JBoss AS
Next Relocate JBoss Contents
Here we make a simple Local Installation into the Home foldermv /tmp/jboss-as* ~
Either for a System-Wide Install you have to Manage Permissions consequently…
5. Installing Oracle Java JDK
How to Install Required Oracle JDK on Linux Mint
7. Launching JBoss
Now to Launch JBoss Server
For the Standalone Server Use:./bin/
Instead, to Launch a Managed Domain:
Use Ctrl+c to Shut Down.
8. Fixing JBoss Issues
Upgrading JBoss AS 7 Modules
9. Accessing JBoss Web UI
Finally, to Access JBoss AS AS Admin
Point Browser to:
6. Accessing JBoss
Now Access JBoss Binaries:
cd /opt/jboss-as*
So Now Thanks to Red Hat Inc
you Should Finally, Fully Dispose of a JBoss 7 JEE Server Installation Linux Mint ;)