Struts 2 Quick Start on Mint 18.x
Hello Mint User! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Started with Struts 2 Hello-World Java Web Application on Mint 18.x Sarah/Serena/Sonya/Sylvia GNU/Linux Desktop.
The first benefit of using Struts is that you don’t have to write a Controller and can concentrate on writing Business Logic in action classes.
Struts 2 Features List:
- Struts provides a Filter Dispatcher, saving you writing one.
- Struts employs an XML-based Configuration file to match URIs with actions.
- Struts instantiates the Action Class and populates Action Properties with user inputs. If you don’t specify an action class, a default action class will be instantiated.
- Struts Validates user input and redirects user back to the input form if validation failed. Input validation is optional and can be done programmatically or declaratively. On top of that, Struts provides Built-in Validators for most of the tasks you may encounter when building a web application.
- Struts invokes the Action Method and you can change the method for an action through the Configuration File.
- Struts examines the Action Result and executes the result. The most common result type, Dispatcher, forwards control to a JSP. However, Struts comes with various result types that allow you to do things differently, such as generate a PDF, redirect to an external resource, send an error message, etc.

Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
Download All Apache Struts 2 Release
Double-Click on Archive and Extract into Home.
Or from Command Line:unzip -d $HOME/struts2 struts-2*
Relocate Struts 2
mv $HOME/struts2* $HOME/struts2
Access the Target Directory
cd $HOME/struts2
Struts 2 Hello-World Quick Start Example