CentOS 7 Tomcat 9 Install - Setting Up
And Relocate Apache Tomcat 9
First, Set Permissions & Ownership with:sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/apache-tomcat-9*
sudo chmod -R +xr /tmp/apache-tomcat-9*
Then Switch contents:
sudo mv /tmp/apache-tomcat-9* /opt/apache-tomcat-9
How to Install Required Oracle-Sun Java JDK 8+ on CentOS:
Now the Commands to Start and Stop Tomcat 9 Server.
To Start Up:
sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-9/bin/startup.sh
To Shut Down:
sudo /opt/apache-tomcat-9/bin/shutdown.sh
Finally, to Access Tomcat Server Admin on Browser Go to.
Or whatever IP address the Server is installed…