Install Epson L4150 openSUSE
Hello openSUSE User! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Properly Epson L4150 openSUSE Driver.
And to Get the Epson L4150 Printer Recognized and Running on openSUSE Linux you need to Download and Install the Epson Proprietary Driver.
Moreover, the Epson Printer Utility dispose of the following tools:
- Printer Status(Error / Warning)
- Ink Levels
- Paper Count Information
- Nozzle Check
- Head Cleaning

First, Open Console Terminal Shell emulator window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
Download Epson Printer Drivers for openSUSE
Get Epson Printer Rpm Linux Driver.
Then Access the Target location.
(Usually Downloads go in the Home folder or when Downloaded with Firefox may be into the Temporary directory /tmp/mozilla*)
cd ~/Downloads
cd /tmp
To Verify that it’s there List the contents with:
ls .
And Install the Epson Printer Driver.
sudo zypper in ./epson-inkjet-printer-escpr*.rpm
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
Download Epson Printer Utility for openSUSE
To Install Epson Printer Utility follow the Same Procedure as for the Driver
sudo zypper in ./epson-printer-utility*.rpm
Here below a Shot of the Epson Printer Utility with the well-market Features…
How to Install Adobe Reader for openSUSE:
Setup Adobe Reader on openSUSE.