Install VMware Workstation 14 Player on Ubuntu 14.04
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install VMware Workstation 14 Player on Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS 64-bit GNU/Linux Desktop.
Especially relevant: you do Not need to Buy it because the VMware Workstation Player 14 is Free for Non Commercial Use.
And VMware Workstation 14 Player (formerly known as VMware Player Pro) is a streamlined offering of VMware Workstation Pro 14 that is ready for Windows 10, offers enhanced 3-D graphics support and improved virtual machine performance.

First, Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
Ctrl+Alt+t on desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)Download VMware Workstation Player 14 Free
Then Install the Required Packages
sudo apt install gcc build-essential libaio1
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
So now Run VMware-Workstation Bundle
Access the VMware Workstation Bundle Location:cd $HOME/Downloads
Give Execution Permissions:
chmod +x ./VMware-Workstation*14*.bundle
Then Run the VMware Workstation Bundle:
sudo ./VMware-Workstation*14*.bundle
If the Graphical Installer do Not Launch then type ‘q’ to Accept License and Follow CLI Wizard.
And Follow the VMware Workstation Player 14 WorkFlow
Accept the Licenses:
Then Possibly Insert the License Key if Already have One:
Then Start Installation:
Finally, Enjoy VMware Workstation Player 14 on Ubuntu ;)
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