Ubuntu Setup Brother Wireless Printer Static IP Address
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Configure Brother Wireless Printer Static IP Address on Ubuntu Linux Desktops.
And the DHCP protocol is the Usual Way of Setting a Static IP Address for Brother Wireless Printer in Ubuntu of a Printer in Network.
So making use of the stardard dhcpd Program supplied with Ubuntu Linux you simply Need to Edit the /etc/dhcpd.conf File.

Open a Terminal Shell emulator window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)Then Set the Printer Hostname
Choose a custom Hostname or Use the DNS Server one
And edit the hosts file:sudo nano /etc/hosts
To Check your Network Interface Ip’s:
Then if the IP’s Prefix is for example 192.168.0 choose a High final digits…
(This simply to be near sure to Get a Free Address)
And Insert EG: myniceprinting
Finally, to Save & Exit from nano Editor simply Ctrl+x ;)
Find the Brother Printer MAC Address
Next Edit DHCP Configuration File
sudo nano /etc/dhcpd.conf
And Append:
host [MYHOSTNAME] { hardware ethernet [MACPRINTER]; fixed-address [STATICIPPRINTER]; }
Replace [MYHOSTNAME], [MACPRINTER] and [STATICIPPRINTER] with the Correct Values!
Like for Instance:host myniceprinting { hardware ethernet 080069001234; fixed-address; }
Save & Exit!
Again Restart DHCP Server.
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
Finally, Check if Configuration is Working
First, Check IP’s List:ip link show
And then try to Ping the Printer:
So if like here above:
ping -c 3
In the Output you should find the Ping Confirmation!
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Set Brother Wireless Printer Static IP Address on Ubuntu Linux.