OpenBSD 6 Booting Desktop
Hello OpenBSD User! This Tip shows you Step by Step How to SetUp OpenBSD 6 for Booting into a Windows Manager Desktop.
And the Display Manager of Choice for OpenBSD 6 Booting Desktop is SLIM because is light-weight and integrate flawlessly into an OpenBSD 6 System.
![OpenBSD 6 Booting Desktop Configuration - Featured](
OpenBSD 6 Start X Window Manager Setup
Install the SLIM Display Manager.
pkg_add slim slim-themes
SetUp OpenBSD 6 to Start SLIM at Boot.
vi /etc/rc.local
/nif [ -x /usr/local/bin/slim ]; then/necho -n ' slim'; ( sleep 5; /usr/local/bin/slim -nodaemon ) & fi
Type ‘i’ to Start Editing
After press ‘Esc’ to Stop Editing
And finally ‘:wq’ to Write changes and Quit! ;)Finally, Reboot into OpenBSD Desktop
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Setup OpenBSD 6 Booting Desktop!
![OpenBSD 6 Booting Desktop Configuration - Slim Splash](