2. Setting Up Repo
How to Add NVIDIA Graphics and GPU Drivers Lubuntu 16.04 PPA Repo
3. Installing NVIDIA Driver
Search the NVIDIA WebSite for your Card Supporting Drivers
Especially relevant: Lubuntu 16.04 Do Not Support the Newest NVIDIA Cards, so in case you may try to Run your System with the Open Source Nouveau Driver.
Then Check for the Available NVIDIA Lubuntu 16.04 Drivers.
sudo apt search nvidia-driver*
And in case if you do Not find in the PPA just the Last then take the Nearest one…
Finally, to Install the Driver, for Instance do:sudo apt install nvidia-driver-430 nvidia-settings
And in case of Issue try instead with the more powerful aptitude Package Installer.
So first, to Install Aptitude run:sudo apt install aptitude
And next try the Setup again playing:
sudo aptitude install nvidia-driver-430 nvidia-settings