Lubuntu 17.10 NVIDIA Driver Install
Hello Lubuntu User! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Lubuntu 17.10 NVIDIA Driver Install.
And then to Install NVIDIA Lubuntu 17.10 Driver you have First, to Find the Right Release for your Graphics Card.
Finally, with nvidia-settings Tool you can configure Brightness, Gamma, XVideo attributes, Temperature, and OpenGL.

Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
Ctrl+Alt+t on desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)How to Install NVIDIA Lubuntu Repository
Then Check for the Available NVIDIA Driver.
sudo apt update && apt search nvidia-driver
Find the Right NVIDIA Driver in your Graphics Card
Take Note of the Driver Release
Finally, to Install the Right NVIDIA Lubuntu Driver
For Instance to Install the currently Latest one:sudo apt install nvidia-driver-555 nvidia-settings
And in case of Issue try instead with the more powerful aptitude Package Installer.
So first, to Install Aptitude run:sudo apt install aptitude
And next try the Setup again playing:
sudo aptitude install nvidia-driver-555 nvidia-settings