Install TeamViewer openSUSE Leap
Hi! The Visual-Guide shows you How to Install TeamViewer 15 on openSUSE Leap KDE/Gnome GNU/Linux.
First, TeamViewer for openSUSE is a Software for Remote Control, Desktop Sharing, Online Meetings, Web Conferencing and File Transfer between computers.
Finally, it is also possible to Access a Machine running TeamViewer with a Web Browser.

Download Latest TeamViewer for Red Hat Linux
Installing TeamViewer.
By KDE/Gnome Package Installer.
Simply Right-Click >> Open with Package Installer and Follow..
On Shell.
First, access the Target Folder with:
cd ~/Downloads
Possibly, to check the Package is there:
ls | grep teamviewer
The grep Command refine the output List showing only the entries Matching the Keyword.
But if yuo are in Trouble to Find it Out on Terminal See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
And then to Setup it play:sudo su -c "zypper in teamviewer*.rpm"
Getting-Started with TeamViewer for Linux