Change File Permissions in openSUSE
Welcome, openSUSE User! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Set or Change the File/Directory Permissions on openSUSE GNU/Linux Command Line.
And Following the Linux OpenSUSE Change File Permissions Tutorial you’ll acquire also a little Practice on the openSUSE Console Terminal Command Line.
Finally, included int the Article Links to Guides on OpenSUSE Terminal Tutorial for Beginners and to Setting Ownership over openSUSE File System.

OpenSUSE GNU/Linux Terminal Tutorial for Beginners
Who Can Change File’s Permissions?.
- You Can Freely Change Permissions over Files/Directories Your User’s Hold.
- But you need Admin Super User Powers to Change Permissions on Entities he Do Not Hold!
Setting Up Permissions on Files and Directories.
- Use ‘u‘ to Setup Permissions for the User Owner
- Use ‘g‘ to Setup Permissions for the Group Owner
- Use ‘u+g‘ to Setup Permissions for the User and Group Owner
- Use ‘a‘ to Setup Permissions for All (World)
- Use ‘o‘ for Revoking Actual Permissions and Giving Permissions to the Others (the Before Disabled ones)
- Use ‘x‘ to Setup Execution Permission
- Use ‘w‘ to Setup Write/Delete Permission
- Use ‘r‘ to Setup Read Permission
- Use ‘+‘ to Give Permission
- Use ‘–‘ to Remove Permission
Basic Building Blocks for the Permission Command.
Ownership Types:
Permission Types:
Giving/Removing Permissions:
Generic Permission Command Form:
chmod ownershipSubject[+/-]r/w/x [myEntity]
For Instance :
mkdir $HOME/world
To Give ‘All’ (read,write/delete,execute) Permissions on the ‘world’ Directory to ‘Everybody’:
chmod a+rwx $HOME/world
(Normally Take Care Before to Open a Directory to the World Because this Can Compromise your System Security!)
Now to Check Permissions Setup:ls -l $HOME
To Remove the ‘Write/Delete’ Permission to the ‘World’:
chmod a-w $HOME/world
To Give the ‘Write/Delete’ Permission the ‘world’ Only to the Owner:
chmod u+w $HOME/world
To Give the ‘Write/Delete’ Permission the ‘world’ Also to the Owner’s Group:
chmod g+w $HOME/world
To Remove the ‘Execution’ Permission to the ‘World’:
chmod a-x $HOME/world
To Give the ‘Execution’ Permission to the ‘world’ to the Owner:
chmod u+x $HOME/world
To Give the ‘Execution’ Permission to the ‘world’ Also to the Owner’s Group:
chmod g+x $HOME/world
(After Only you and your Group will be able to Access the ‘world’ Directory Directory on Shell!)
How to Change File Owner on Linux openSUSE File System