PostgreSQL 10 GUI openSUSE Installation Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install PostgreSQL 10 GUI for openSUSE GNU/Linux Desktops.
And the PgAdmin 4 openSUSE PosgreSQL 10 GUI Installation require a working Python PIP Setup on System.
Moreover, some PgAdmin 4 Features are:
- Auto-detection and support for objects discovered at run-time
- Live SQL query tool with direct data editing
- Support for administrative queries
- Syntax-highlighting SQL editor
- Redesigned graphical interfaces
- Powerful management dialogs and tools for common tasks
- Responsive, context-sensitive behavior
- Supportive error messages
- Helpful hints
- Online help and information about using pgAdmin dialogs and tools
Finally, the guide includes instructions on PgAdmin 4 Initial Setup.

Open Console Terminal Shell emulator window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.