Liquidsoap Ubuntu Xenial Installation Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Liquidsoap on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS GNU/Linux.
And Liquidsoap for Ubuntu Xenial is a Swiss-Army Knife for Multimedia Streaming, notably used for Netradios and Webtvs. It has Tons of features, it’s Free and it’s Open-Source!
Moreover, Liquidsoap is a Powerful and flexible Language for describing your Streams. It offers a Rich Collection of Operators that you can Combine at will, giving you more Power than you need for Creating or Transforming Streams.
Finally, it consists of a Simple Script Language, in which you can Create, Combine and Transform Audio Sources. Its Design makes Liquidsoap Flexible and Easily Extensible.

1. Terminal QuickStart
How to Quick Start with Command Line on Ubuntu
First, Update the Apt Repo Sources with:
sudo apt update