HP Envy Photo 7155 Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install HP Envy Photo 7155 Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.
And the HP Envy Photo 7155 Driver Ubuntu 16.04 Installation is Easy, and it involves only the execution of some Basic Shell Commands.
Because the HP Printers dispose of a Devices Driver Installer for Linux that will Provide Automatically to Download and Install the needed Dependencies.
Especially relevant: HP Printer/Scanner Drivers & Software for Linux should be already Installed on System, but it’s recommended to get it freshly Updated to the Latest Release.
Most noteworthy, in case of any Issue with your Device you may try the Legacy Alternative: HP Printer HPIJS Driver.
![How to Install HP Envy Photo 7155 Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS - Featured](https://tutorialforlinux.com/wp-content/media/dg139/intro/gnomePenguinBallPaper.jpg)
Open a Terminal Shell emulator window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)Download HP Printer Driver Installer .run for Ubuntu
Finally, to Install HP Printer Drivers for Ubuntu
Change to the Directory containing the Downloaded HP Printer Drivers Installercd ~/Downloads
Give Execution Permissions
chmod +x hplip*.run
Run the HP Printer Drivers Installer
sudo ./hplip*.run
Confirm to “Install as Root” to avoid potentials installation issues…
Then you can simply Choose “a” for the Automatic Setup.
In Case of Upgrade when Prompted Confirm ro Re-Install with “i”.
For the others just Confirms the Defaults.
The Installer will Provide Automatically to Manage all the Software Dependencies!
During Installation you may be Prompted about to Unplug and Re-Plug the USB Connected Printers:
In any cases you can Plug-In a New HP Device simply by Running this Command:sudo hp-setup
And then Following the Wizard…
How to Getting-Started with HP Scanner on Linux