Driver Epson XP-424 Ubuntu 16.04 Installation Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Printer Epson XP-424 Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.
And the Epson XP-424 Ubuntu 16.04 Installation guide includes also instructions on How to Get Started Scanning on Ubuntu.
Especially relevant: using the Epson Printer Utility Software, you can Check Ink Levels, View Error and other Status… on EPSON XP-424 Series Printers.
Finally, to Get the Epson XP-424 Series Printers Installed on Ubuntu Linux you need to Download and Install the Epson Proprietary Driver.

1. Launching Terminal
Open a Terminal window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)2. Updating Ubuntu Repo
Then Update Ubuntu Xenial Repositories:
This step is a precaution in case the sources are not Up to Date.
So if you prefer try first to Install it directly like shown here below..sudo apt update
3. Downloading Epson XP-424 Driver for Ubuntu
Download Ubuntu Epson XP-424 Driver
On Firefox prompt if possible Select directly “Open with Ubuntu Software Center”!
Or with Chrome Click on Bottom’s Button, otherwise Double-Click on it in the File Manager…
4. Installing Epson XP-424 Driver on Ubuntu
Next follow with Ubuntu Epson XP-424 Driver Installation
Click on “Install”:Then Authenticate with your Admin Password to Start the Installation process:
In a Short Time the Software should be Successfully Installed!
Or again on Command Line with:sudo apt install gdebi-core gdebi
sudo gdebi ~/Download/epson*.deb
But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
5. Accessing Ubuntu Settings
Then Open Ubuntu Settings:
Simply Hit Cmd/Win and Search for ‘Settings’.
6. Installing Epson XP-424 Printer
And Add Epson XP-424 on Ubuntu
Click the ‘Add Printer’ Button:
7. Downloading Epson Printer Utility for Ubuntu
Download Ubuntu Epson XP-424 Printer Utility
Get the Epson Printer XP-424 Utility for Ubuntu.
And proceed the Same as for the Driver.8. Installing Epson XP-424 Utility on Ubuntu
And to Install Ubuntu Epson XP-424 Utility Tool
Again Click on “Install”:Then Authenticate with your Admin Password to Start the Installation process:
In a Short Time the Software should be Successfully Installed!
Or again on Command Line with:sudo apt install gdebi-core gdebi
sudo gdebi ~/Download/epson*.deb
But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
9. Epson Scanning Quick Start Guide
How to Quick Start with Epson Scanning on Ubuntu
Ubuntu Best Software Installation Guides:
Best Software to Install on Ubuntu.