2. Downloading Foxit Reader for Ubuntu
Download Foxit Reader for Ubuntu GNU/Linux
If possible Select directly “Open with Archive Manager”!
3. Extracting Foxit Reader
Then Extract Foxit Reader Archive
Possibly Double-Click on ArchiveOr from Shell:
tar xvzf FoxitReader*.tar.gz -c /tmp
4. Running Installer
Next Launch Foxit Reader Installation
Simply Run:sudo ./FoxitReader*.run
5. Installing Foxit Reader
So Now Follow the Foxit Installation Wizard
First, Set the Installation Folder:Again Accept the Software Licensing:
And if a Few Time Foxit Reader will be Successfully Installed!
6. Running Foxit Reader
Finally, Run & Enjoy Foxit Reader on Ubuntu
Possibly type ‘Cmd/Win’ or Click in the Bottom Left Corner to Search for it:Or Launch it from Shell with:
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Install Foxit Reader in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic!