Oracle Java Development Kit 8 Debian Stretch 9 Installation Guide
Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Install Oracle-Sun Java SE JDK 8 in MX GNU/Linux.
And the Oracle Java JDK 8 for Debian Stretch 9 includes Tools useful for Developing and Testing Programs written in the Java Language and Running on the Java Platform.
Some Java 8 Features:
- LAMBDA Expressions Programming
- The Stream API
- The Nashorn Javascript Engine
Moreover, to Make the Process Easier to Visualize the Post Includes the Basic Screenshots of the Steps Involved.
Finally, the Contents and Details of How to Download and Install Oracle JDK 8 in Debian Stretch 9 are Expressly Minimal to Give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands and Make the Tut Easier to Understand ;)

1. Launching Terminal
Open Terminal Window
Right-Click on Desktop & Select Open Terminal Here
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).