2. Downloading
Download Oracle Java SE JDK8 for Linux.
3. Extracting
Then Extract into /tmp
Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click and Open with Archive Manager:
Or from Shell:tar xvfz ~/Downloads/jdk-8*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
4. Installing
Then to Install Oracle JDK 8
First, Make a jvm Directory if Not already there with:su -c 'if [ ! -d "/usr/lib/jvm" ]; then mkdir /usr/lib/jvm; fi'
Set the root superUser as owner:
sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/jdk1.8*
Again reiterate the Execution Permission also over the Java binaries:
sudo chmod -R +x /tmp/jdk1.8*/bin
Finally, to Shift the Java contents:
sudo mv /tmp/jdk1.8* /usr/lib/jvm/