Installing Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS on Top of Windows 10 – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step and Visually How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS Alongside Windows 10.
And this Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside Windows 10 Installation Guide for Beginners will let you to Getting-Started Easily with GNU/Linux on a PC!
The Guide shows you All the Steps involved and so also How to Download, Burn and Boot with the Ubuntu Installation Media.
The Ubuntu-based OS Installers are Now Just Fantastic in the Ability of Easy Drag Partitioning and Resizing the Windows 10 Disk on the Fly.
Finally, Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning ‘Humanity to Others‘. It also means ‘I am what I am because of whom we all are’. The Ubuntu Operating System brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.