How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside Windows 10 September 10, 2018 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist. Choosing Keyboard Layout 8. Choosing Keyboard LayoutSelect the Keyboard Layout. ContentsIntroDownloadingBooting Ubuntu LiveLaunching InstallationPreparing for InstallationChoosing Installation TypeResizing Windows PartitionSetting up Time ZoneChoosing Keyboard LayoutSetting up UserSetting up Ubuntu OneInstallingRebootingGetting StartedPrevious page Next page Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14Tags: Install Ubuntu 18.04, Install Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside Windows 10, Install Ubuntu 18.04 Windows 10 PC, install ubuntu alongside windows 10, Install Ubuntu Bionic, install ubuntu on top of windows 10, install ubuntu pc, installing ubuntu, Linux, Linux Tutorial, microsoft windows, Setup Ubuntu 18.04, Setup Ubuntu Bionic, Tutorial, Ubuntu, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside Windows 10, Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS, Ubuntu 18.04 Install, Ubuntu 18.04 Installation, Ubuntu 18.04 Setup, Ubuntu 18.04 Windows 10 PC, Ubuntu Bionic, Ubuntu Bionic Install, Ubuntu Bionic Installation, Ubuntu Bionic Setup « How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop on Parallels VM Easy Visual Guide How to Install Ubuntu 18.04 Alongside Windows 8 Guide »