How to Install Chrome on Xubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Gnu/Linux

September 22, 2018 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Install Chrome Xubuntu 18.10 - Installing

  1. Find and Double-Click on the .deb Chrome Package
    The Ubuntu Software Center will Provide to Manage All its Dependencies…
    Install Google-Chrome on Xubuntu 18.10 by Xubuntu Software Install
    Install Google-Chrome on Xubuntu 18.10 by Xubuntu Software Install
    In few time Chrome is successfully installed into Xubuntu :)
    Install Google-Chrome on Xubuntu 18.10 by Xubuntu Software Install

  2. Check if Google-Chrome is in the User Path on Terminal Shell

    which google-chrome

    If Chrome it is Not Found on System then Make a Symlink to it with:

    sudo ln -s /opt/google/chrome/google-chrome /usr/local/bin/google-chrome

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
    Then you will be able to Run it from Terminal simply with:


    How to Create a Desktop Menu Chrome App Launcher

    Making App Launcher Guide
  3. So Now Thanks to Google Inc. you Should Finally, Fully Enjoy a Google-Chrome Installation Browser Experience on Xubuntu Linux ;)

    How to Install Evernote Clone on Xubuntu:
    Installing Nixnote on Xubuntu.

    How to Install Firefox Aurora on Xubuntu Linux:
    Installing Firefox Aurora on Xubuntu Linux Desktops.


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