2. Installing Dependencies
Then Install the Required Packages with
sudo apt install pkg-config zip g++ zlib1g-dev unzip python
3. Downloading Bazel
Download Bazel for Debian GNU/Linux
4. Accessing Target
First, Set the SuperUser as Owner with
cd && cd Downloads
Or if Downloaded with Firefox may be instead:
cd /tmp/mozilla*
Check the Script is There with:
ls .
5. Installing Bazel
First, Give Execution Permission:
chmod +x ./bazel*.sh
Then tor a Local Installation into $HOME/bin and Sets the .bazelrc as $HOME/.bazelrc:
Instead, for a System Wide into /usr/local/bazel:
sudo ./bazel*.sh
6. Amending User’s Path
Only for a Local Installation, Append Bazel into the Path
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
Finally, to Reload the Path do: