I2P Debian Stretch Installation Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install I2P in Debian Stretch 9 GNU/Linux.
And I2P for Debian is an Anonymous Network, exposing a simple layer that Applications can use to Anonymously and Securely Send Messages to each other.
What Can you do with I2PTunnel?.
- Run an Anonymous Website (“eepsite”): simply by Running a Normal Webserver and Pointing to an I2PTunnel server.
- Browse the “eepsites” with and I2PTunnel HTTP proxy (“eepproxy”)
- Run an Anonymous IRC network, in the same way as for a Website
Most Noteworthy: I2P Cannot be Used to Access the Public Internet, but only Hidden Services Websites on the I2P network called “Eepsites”. Tor I2P Comparison.
So, if you want simply Access Anonymously the Public Web see Instead: How to Install Tor Browser on Debian.
Finally, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with I2P Browsing on Debian.

1. Launching Shell Emulator
Open a Terminal window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)