Canon iP3600 Driver Ubuntu 19.04 Setup
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Canon PIXMA iP3600 Driver for Ubuntu 19.04 Disco GNU/Linux Desktop.
And the Canon PIXMA iP3600 Printer Setup on Ubuntu 19.04 simply involve to Download the Proprietary driver and execute some Basic Commands on Shell.
Moreover, included in the Canon iP3600 Ubuntu 19.04 Installation Guide you find also detailed instructions to Getting-Started with Canon iP3600 Scanner.

First, Open a Terminal Shell emulator window
Ctrl+Alt+t on desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
Installing Required Packages
First, Refresh the Apt Repository Sources:sudo apt update
And the to Setup the Software:
sudo apt-get install cups libxml2 libglade2-0 libpng1* libtiff*