$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

How to Install SoapUI on CentOS 7 Easy Guide

June 14, 2019 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 3. Installing SoapUI

    Then to Set up SoapUI on CentOS:
    First, Access the Target, usually in the Downloads folder:
    (But if downloaded with Firefox it can be instead into /tmp/mozilla*)

    cd && cd Downloads

    Then give Execution Permission:

    chmod +x ./SoapUI*.sh

    Finally, to Setup SoapUI:

    sudo ./SoapUI*.sh
  2. 4. Setting Up SoapUI

    Now, follow SoapUI Installation Wizard

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Welcome

    First, simply Click on
    Then Confirm or Amend the Installation Location:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Install Location

    Again Click on
    Next Choose the Components to Setup:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Components

    Again Click on
    Now Agree to the License:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Lincense

    Again Click on
    Possibly amend the Tutorials Target:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Tutorials Target

    Again Click on
    And then the Symlinks Location:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Symlinks Location

    Again Click on
    And Confirm to Make a Desktop Launcher:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Desktop Icon

    Again Click on
    And finally, SoapUI should be successfully Installed:

    How to Install SoapUI Open-Source in CentOS 7 - Done

    Finally, Click on to Run SoapUI!