Kali Linux How to Burn ISO to CD/DVD
The Visual Guide shows you How to Burn ISO Image to CD/DVD Disk in Kali GNU/Linux Desktop.
And this guide make use of the Kali Disk Burner Brasero, an App to burn CD/DVD for the GNOME Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly.
Moreover, for your Comfort this Guide is Split into several Pages to make it Easier to View and Follow every single Step involved.
Finally, included inside on this guide’s bottom you find also instructions on How to Install Kali Linux Best Software.

1. Launching Terminal
Open a Shell Terminal emulator window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
And Update Kali Apt Repo:sudo apt update