2. Installing Required Packages
Then to Install Required Stuff
Simply with:sudo pacman -Sy wxgtk2 gtk3 git cmake base-devel xterm clang wxsqlite3 sqlite libssh
3. Downloading
Dowload CodeLite Latest Version for ArcoLinux
Grab the CodeLite Source Master.
4. Preinstallation Setup
Now to Prepare for Installation
Access the Target directory:cd ~/Downloads/codelite
(But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.)
Next make the Build folder with:mkdir build-release
And Access it:
cd build-release
5. Installing Codelite
Then to Install CodeLite on ArcoLinux
Run the CMake Command with the needed CXXFLAGS:cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-isystem\ /usr/include/harfbuzz
Then Make it:
make -j4
Be aware that the Build Process is Time and RAM demanding…
Here I successfully Build it on a VMware VM with 4Gb of RAM in about 1h.
Finally, to Setup CodeLite:sudo make install