Installing Firmware
Most noteworthy: some Realtek Kernel Modules should be already installed on the Kernel. What may be missing in base to the Debian Policies is the Realtek Non-free Firmware.
Finally, this Realtek Debian Firmware should support All the following Chipsets:
- RTL8188EE
- RTL8188EU
- RTL8188CE
- RTL8188CU
- RTL8188SU
- RTL8191SE
- RTL8191SU
- RTL8192CE
- RTL8192CU
- RTL8192DE
- RTL8192EE
- RTL8192EU
- RTL8192SE
- RTL8192SU
- RTL8712U
- RTL8723AE
- RTL8723AU
- RTL8723BE
- RTL8723BS
- RTL8723BU
- RTL8822BE
1. Launching Terminal
Open a Terminal Shell Emulator Window:
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).In case first see: Terminal QuickStart Guide.
2. Installing Realtek Firmware
How to Install Realtek Firmware in Debian
Then Reboot with:
sudo reboot
And if the Adapter is working then you are Done!
In fact this Module should already present into the Kernel.