$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

NVIDIA Quadro P1000 Ubuntu 14.04 Driver Installation Easy Guide

December 23, 2019 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

GNU/Linux Ubuntu 14.04 Install Quadro P1000 Driver Easy Guide

Hi! The tutorial provides a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on How to Install the Latest NVIDIA Quadro P1000 Graphics and GPU Driver for Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty LTS GNU/Linux Desktops.

The NVIDIA P1000 Driver Ubuntu 14.04 Setup is a breeze, requiring just a few straightforward Shell Commands to complete.

Moreover, following the NVIDIA Recommendations it is recommended to use the Graphics Driver from the Distro Repository.

Finally, with the nvidia-settings Tool you can configure Brightness, Gamma, XVideo attributes, Temperature, and OpenGL.

NVIDIA Quadro P1000 Ubuntu 14.04 Driver Installation Easy Guide - Featured
  1. 1. Launching Terminal

    Open a Terminal Shell emulator window
    Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

    NVIDIA Quadro P1000 Ubuntu 14.04 Driver Installation Easy Guide - Open Terminal Shell Emulator


  1. 2. Setting Up Repo

    How to Add NVIDIA Graphics and GPU Drivers Ubuntu PPA Repo

    Adding NVIDIA PPA

    Possibly now see How to Check NVIDIA Graphics Card Model Supported Drivers.

  2. 3. Installing

    Then Check for the Available NVIDIA Driver.

    sudo apt search nvidia-driver*

    Take Note of the Latest Driver Release EG: 430!
    But before Setting it up it’s recommended you Verify what is the Drivers Range to Support your Card on: NVIDIA Driver support Website!
    Finally, to Install the Driver, for Instance do:

    sudo apt install nvidia-driver-430 nvidia-settings