2. Installing Dependencies
Then to Install Dependencies
Simply play:sudo dnf install @development-tools glm-devel cmake libpng-devel wayland-devel libpciaccess-devel libX11-devel libXpresent libxcb xcb-util libxcb-devel libXrandr-devel xcb-util-keysyms-devel xcb-util-wm-devel python git
And if you wish to Build VkConfig then again execute:
sudo dnf install qt qt5-qtwebengine-devel
3. Downloading
Download Vulkan SDK Release for Manjaro GNU/Linux
4. Installing Vulkan
Then to Install Vulkan SDK in Manjaro Linux
The Installation simply consist in Extracting the Vulkan SDK in a Location of your Choice.
Here is shown a Local Installation, for a System Wide Setup use the sudo Command and Fix Permissions accordingly.
So, first to Make the Target directory play:mkdir ~/vulkanSdk
Then to decompress it into the Target folder use:
tar xvzf ~/vulkansdk*tar.gz -C ~/vulkanSdk
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
5. Setting Up Path
Finally, to make it available Setup Path
Editing the User’s Bash Config File:nano ~/.bashrc
And append:
/nexport VULKAN_SDK=~/vulkanSdk/1.1.[xx.y]/x86_64/nexport PATH=$VULKAN_SDK/bin:$PATH/nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$VULKAN_SDK/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH/nexport VK_LAYER_PATH=$VULKAN_SDK/etc/vulkan/explicit_layer.d
Just Replace [xx.y] with the Current Version in the above Command.
Ctrl+x to Save & exit from nano Editor.
If no nano then first execute:sudo dnf install nano