2. Installing Certbot
Then to Install Certbot on MX Linux
And then Make the Setup with:sudo apt install certbot
3. Making Free SSL Certificate
Finally, to Create SSL Certificate
First, install a required package:certbot certonly --webroot [WEBSERVERROOT] -d [DOMAINS]
The [DOMAINS] must be a Comma separated List of Real and http Accessible Domains!
For Instance:certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html/ -d,
And with this Command it’s possible to Generate a SSL Certificate for Multiple Websites…
To do so Make a List with a comma like Separator.
And then the Certificate will be Stored by default into:/etc/letsencrypt/live/
4. Setting Up SSL Certificate Renewal
How to Setup Let’s Encrypt SSL Cert Renewal
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Make a Free SSL Certificate on MX Linux!